We are the Defiance we will be the best and we will spread the word, We will rock the world and if all else fails we bring everyone else down with us... We are DEFIANT!

Friday, 15 April 2011

We are making Achievement videos 1:Halo reach-Candy from a baby 75g

This is a very hard Achievement we worked very hard to get this and with a bit of luck ZxBloodhound and me got it the video is on Youtube if u dnt know how to do it!I reccomend going on the team objective playlist, Big team battle is a little bit to hectic and you wont be able to do it and also get some of your friends to help one to annoy the enemy, one to randomly grab flags to distract the enemy,  one to protect you like a gurdian and obviously you grab the flags from the enemy circle and take the flag to your cicle. Hope it helps but just to tell you to get this Achievement you need to have the Defiant map pack it wont work if you dont have it.

This is the link

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